Q1 Do feral cats live in your neighborhood?
Q2 If YES, approximately how many?
Q3 If YES, how often do you see them?
Q4 Do you feed them?
Q5 Do your neighbors feed them?
Q6 Are there shelters for the cats?
Q7 Are the cats spayed or neutered (fixed)?
Q8 Do feral cats live near your business or where you work?
Q9 If YES, approximately how many?
Q10 Do you feed them?
Q11 Do your co-workers feed them?
Q12 Are there shelters for the cats?
Q13 Are the cats spayed or neutered (fixed)?
Q14 How often do you see them
Q15 Do you know what TNVR for feral cats means?
Q16 How do you feel about the idea of Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return – which is a program that makes sure the cats stop having kittens, they are vaccinated against rabies and returned to the same spot so other cats don’t move in.
Q17 Do you feel that Wichita has too many feral cats?
Q18 Would you like to see the City do something to reduce the number of feral cats?
Q19 What do you think the best way is to reduce the numbers?
Q20 Which of the following best describes your feelings about stray cats?
Q21 What percentage of cats taken in by the Wichita Animal Shelter do you think get euthanized?
Q22 Please enter your zip code
Q23 Any other comments regarding feral cats